Wind Trees

The work forms a gigantic handprint set into the hillside.


At each fingertip a dry-stone wall reflects the rock strata below. The wind blowing across Muingelly hill will play upon pan pipes set into each wall and sculpt the five different indigenous trees growing there. The sculpture is located on the Ballycastle/Belderg road, overlooking Dún Briste and Down Patrick Head.

ARTIST - Eilish O’Baoil

Eilish was born in Nigeria and was awarded a Masters degree in fine arts from the University of Ulster in 1991. Eilis uses a wide range of media in her practice from video and sound to materials such as stone and bronze. Her particular interest in sound and music is reflected in her piece Wind Trees.


The site is in need of some repair and is currently under review.



Site not available to visit as due to be repaired. The artwork is located on the Ballycastle/Belderg road, one mile from Doonfeeny House on the south side of the road at an S-bend, the work is situated on the hill side.

latitude: 54.303366

longitude: -9.424031